Highway to understanding the customer journey

Ready for a wild ride?

Buckle up, folks, because the highway to understanding your customers is full of twists and turns, and trust me, detours are costly. Misread the signs and you might just end up in the middle of nowhere, far from the paradise your customers were looking for.

The customer journey?

It’s like a multi-layered labyrinth these days.

Think about this: more than half of your customers, 56% to be exact, use mobile devices to scout out their purchases in advance. And almost 40% are checking stocks while they’re en route to the store.

It’s like a high-tech treasure hunt!

Remember the good ol’ sales funnel?
Well, it’s grown up, changed its look.
Now, it’s an intricate web where marketing, finance, and operations teams have to dance together under the disco ball of customer-centricity.

It’s a whole new ball game, folks!

Having your fingers in all the pies – from digital marketing to global online marketplaces, brick-and-mortar stores, and events – isn’t just the cherry on top, it’s the whole darn dessert.
Proof’s in the pudding, with statistics showing that being everywhere at once pumps up purchase frequency and jacks up order values.

And here’s the real kicker: data is the key to this kingdom.

By focusing on lifetime value and conducting cohort analysis, we can suss out who’s really bringing in the bacon and craft killer messages to reel ’em in.

To cut a long story short, if you want to master the customer journey in this topsy-turvy market, you gotta be like a ninja: ever-present, customer-focused, and data-driven.

Your first move?

Conduct a deep-dive data audit.
Find out who your VIP customers are, map out their journey, and then use that intel to create laser-targeted messages. Point your resources at the channels and audiences giving you the best bang for your buck.

Got a head-scratcher?

Drop it in the comments. Let’s tackle this beast together. Bring it on!

Helping CPG Founders and Investors of innovative brands to profitably scale DTC & Retail businesses. Specialty in Vitamins & Supplements, Beauty and Pet markets. Podcast Host.
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