Navigating the Unpredictable: Organic Social Media Strategies for CPG Brands

Organic social media will continue to be unpredictable.


Because consumer behavior is constantly evolving along with algorithms, what works one day might not work the next.

What to do?

Riding the wave of change requires a constant testing plan. Breaking through the myriad of messages on a social media platform involves consistency, content, and patience.

In the volatile world of organic social media, unpredictability is the new mantra. For consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands, staying relevant in the ever-changing landscape requires agility and insightful strategies.

Why Is Organic Reach Unpredictable?

Changing Consumer Behaviors

Consumer preferences and behaviors are not static. They evolve with cultural trends, economic shifts, and global events. As per a a survey, 72% of consumers want brands to understand their expectations and requirements. This makes personalization crucial when deciding on social media strategies.

Algorithm Updates

Social media platforms update their algorithms frequently to enhance user experience and optimize ad revenues. The link post on Facebook has an engagement rate of 0.03%. The average engagement rate of a page is 0.07%. If that was not enough, the organic reach of the FB posts is a mere 5.90% in 2024.

The Impact of Unpredictability

Volatile Engagement Rates

Your posts might generate great engagement and reach one day, but the next, they could fade into oblivion. This volatility complicates planning, makes it difficult to create a long-term strategy, and requires brands to be dynamic in approach.

Difficulty in Measuring ROI

Due to inconsistencies in organic reach, predicting and measuring the return on investment for social media activities is difficult. CPG brands have to adopt flexible measurement methods to measure success with accuracy.

What Can CPG Brands Do?

To survive in the changing domain of organic social media, CPG brands need to adopt several strategic approaches:

Establish a Constant Testing Plan

Experiment Continuously

The social media landscape is fluid, and a strategy created yesterday may be less useful today. For example, video content gives an ROI of 51%, more than any form of content on social media. Video content has 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. Regular experimentation and keeping an eye on the latest stats help identify current effective practices.

Use A/B Testing

A/B testing on elements like post timing, formats, or captions could unveil the most engaging content strategies tailored to current audience preferences.

Enhance Content Strategy

Quality Over Quantity

Focus on creating high-quality content. Engaging and high-quality content generates around 8 times more traffic than low-quality ones.

Tailor Content to Platform

Each social media platform have unique characteristics and audience preferences. For example, Instagram users engage more with high-resolution visual content, while Twitter users favor quick updates and news.

Prioritize Consistency

Regular Posting Schedule

Brands posting consistently on Instagram saw a follower growth rate of more than 56% faster than those that didn’t. Keeping a regular schedule and planning a proper calendar helps maintain brand presence in user feeds.

Consistent Brand Voice

The brands should maintain a consistent brand voice across all communications to build recognition and trust. Its consistency helps make your content stand out in the news feeds.

Practice Patience

Long-term Strategy

Building organic reach is a marathon, not a sprint. Effective strategies and focus on long-term engagement can bring results rather than quick fixes and one-time activities that get nothing.

Community Engagement

Active engagement with the audience significantly boosts organic reach. Brands who engage directly with customers on social media see an average retention rate improvement of up to 50%.


The unpredictable nature of organic social media is not a barrier but an invitation to innovate and engage differently for CPG brands. One could hit the target by testing and refining content strategies, maintaining a consistent presence, and working on community engagement. This proactive approach helps maintain organic reach and builds a loyal customer base driven by genuine interaction and meaningful engagement.

Helping CPG Founders and Investors of innovative brands to profitably scale DTC & Retail businesses. Specialty in Vitamins & Supplements, Beauty and Pet markets. Podcast Host.
Posts: 102


  • Absolutely love the analogy! It’s about having the right tools and a bit of flair. One should stay agile and continuously adapt to fast-changing algorithm trends.

  • Jace

    Working with organic social media is like eating spaghetti with a spoon, messy but doable with the right technique! Testing and quality content are your fork and knife. Algorithms change faster than fashion trends, so you need to stay agile, keep posting regularly. Consider every like as a victory in the unpredictable feast of engagement!

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